The Happiness Advantage
Have you seen the advantages of being happy?
Research Proven Statistics
Advantages when individuals are happy.
"Our Formula for Success is Backwards"
- Shawn Achor
- Leading Positive Performance™What is Leading Positive Performance All About?
An Experiential Learning Workshop
It is a 2 days, on-site experiential learning workshop that teaches the science of sustainable peak performance in Organizations.
Research Proven
It is based on the research proven Science of Positive Psychology, with step-by-step guide to The 7 Principles of Positive Psychology that fuels success and performance at work.
Have you ever thought that there are advantages in being happy?
Here's the Happiness Advantage in numbers....
Performance Enhancer for Organizations
It is an effective and practical performance enhancer in any organizations.
Characterized by higher productivity, less turnover and a more resilient culture.
Increases Individual Positive Affectivity
It increases individual positive affectivity by learning practices of highly resilient leaders, and become more adaptable and develop capacity to "see" more opportunities, leading to better results.
5 Essential Themes
There are 5 essential themes in Leading Positive Performance™
Enhancing Productivity Sustainably
Learning the sustainable approach to enhancing productivity at the individual, team and organizational level.
Creating Common Vocabulary
Using a parable with memorable characters and interesting events to create a common vocabulary of change in organizations
The Science of Positive Psychology
Learning the art & science of positive psychology derived from proven scientific researches.
Personal Leadership
Learn how to develop your own Happiness Advantage
Team Leadership
Learn how to create ripples of positivity in your department or organization
Memorable Characters &
Captivating Storyline
The Cogs & Gears behind the success of
Leading Positive Performance™ (Orange Frogs)
Complex Positive Psychology concepts are turned into an easy-to-understand 60-page parable.
The light-hearted nature of the Orange Frogs Storyline engages the students to make sense, understand and remember these new concepts.
This short tale becomes essential part of the workshop
The Orange Frog
A Parable based on Positive Psychology
A disarming tale that serves as the starting point for the workshop Leading Positive Performance™.
By the end of the story, readers see and feel pressures they recognize in their day-to-day life. They also witness the most remarkable transformation that takes place when Spark finally chooses to adopt an orange way of life. Not only does his own personal satisfaction and productivity increase, these same results slowly start to ripple out to the other frogs in the pond.
Sneak Preview of the Parable
From the left: Plop, Misty, Spark, Bull and Plop
Spark's Journey to Happiness Advantage
Caught between two worlds, Spark was exactly like every other frog in his pond with one notable exception. Spark emerges from a tadpole with a slight but noticeable orange spot. And this orange spot makes Spark feel uncomfortably different. What's more, Spark begins to make a disconcerting observation; when Spark does things that make him feel better (and produce more positive results) the orange spots increase. Spark is left with a difficult decision; be normal, which makes him less conspicuous, or continue doing those things that make him happier, more productive and... more orange.
Making It StickMindtrac's Learning Journey
There are 3 parts to our Learning Journey.Post-Workshop is the "stickiness factor" that makes our solution valuable.
- Consultation
- Online e-survey
2 Days
- Workshop
- Validating Hypothesis
- Practice & Iterate
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